Alexei Orlov and The Point of Distinction

Alexei Orlov MTM CEO
2 min readSep 17, 2021


Alexei Orlov

Within the winding, convoluted, and often overwhelming paths people traverse throughout the course of their lives, individuals are, in their own ways, simultaneously unique and unremarkable. Within the mundane lies the extraordinary; within the extraordinary lies the mundane. And at the end of the day, people are just trying to survive, find their own version of contentment, and perhaps manage to make a difference in the world around them — should effort, circumstance, and possibly a bit of luck allow for it.

Recognized or still yet undiscovered, each and every individual harbor within them one or more novelties. Whether that novelty is business acumen, writing prowess, or ethereal vocals, there are always gifts to be found; and within each gift lies a point of distinction. A point of distinction is something of the unique, something which makes a person’s particular gift salient and admirable in its own right. It’s that one extra step above which separates the good from great and the proficient from the excellent.

Alexei Orlov’s Personal Journey

Alexei Orlov has spent the majority of his adult life exploring, expanding, and pushing the boundaries of his gift for entrepreneurship. Those outside the realm of entrepreneurship’s day-to-day, inner workings might perceive such ventures as heavily relying on the skills of logic and analysis; and while it is true that such skills are absolutely advantageous, succeeding within the world of business also requires a profound amount of courage and creativity.




Alexei Orlov MTM CEO

Alexei Orlov is a proven specialist in global brand strategy, regional and cross-cultural marketing deployment, and operational change management.